The black forest, Oktoberfest, elaborate watches, castles, cars, cuckoo clocks, free body culture, the Love Parade, Kit Kat Club and Christmas markets. I wanted to love Germany even before I got there. It didn’t let me down. Germans know how to party!
Lose your inhibitions (and clothes) in this upscale spa town. Baden-Baden, Germany
Baden-Baden is a famous spa town, on the northwest edge of
The biggest small German town you’ve never partied in. Bochum, Germany
A big-ish town in the Northern Rhine Region that feels more
Eat pretzels, drink beer and party in the cigar bars of Frankfurt, Germany
Frankfurt is Germany's capital of finance, that sounds a little dry,
How to pretend you’re a Berliner (donut) in Europes wildest nightlife city. Berlin, Germany
Brandenburg Gate, clubbing, streetcars, and a technological anti-establishment attitude