Chocolate, swiss watches, neutrality, CERN, the inventors of velcro, LSD, and absinthe. And home to strange laws like It is illegal to own only one pet as it’s considered animal cruelty, you must have two of the same kind. If one of your pets dies you can use a rental service until the other one knocks off. Also, in some parts of Switzerland men can’t pee standing upright after 10 pm as it creates too much noise… Who knew?
Tobogganing down St. Moritz longest 6.5km run in Preda / Bergun, Switzerland
St. Moritz has several toboggan runs nearby. Some of them are
Trains, graffiti and grit, how to explore the darker side of Zurich, Switzerland
Zurich was a funky hotel, sort of far from the Central
Get lost in the golden snows of St. Moritz, Switzerland
I went to St. Moritz in winter to see my first
Luxury Ice Skating on the the cheap at Kulm Hotel. St. Moritz, Switzerland
Being from the Philippines I'd never tried Ice skating before, let
Traveling In the pricey shadow of the Matterhorn. Zermatt, Switzerland
Zermatt was our first venture into the Swiss alps and we
Drink alert: Moscow Mule, a spicy ginger drink that will leave leave you buzzed
New places lead to new discoveries. One thing Switzerland thankfully introduced